Tanda kebesaran Allah / Seksa kubur ?
Lihatlah gambar seorang pemuda berusia 18 tahun yang meninggal di salah sebuah hospital di Oman. Mayat pemuda tersebut digali kembali dari kuburnya setelah 3 jam di makamkan yang di saksikan oleh ayahnya .
Pemuda tersebut meninggal di hospital dan setelah di mandikan dan di makamkan secara islam pada hari itu juga . Tetapi setelah pemakaman ayahnya merasa ragu atas hasil bedah siasat dan ingin mendapatkan kepastian sebab kematiannya.
Seluruh kelurganya sangat terkejut ketika mereka melihat keadaan mayat tersebut. Mayat tersebut begitu berbeza dalam masa 3 jam. Dia berubah menjadi kelabu menjadi seperti orang yang sudah tua. Kelihatan jelas bekas seksaan dan pukulan yang amat keras dan dengan tulang - tulang kaki dan tangan yang hancur sehingga menekan kebadannya. Seluruh badan dan mukanya lebam-lebam. Matanya yang terbuka memperlihatkan ketakutan, kesakitan dan kekecewaan. Darah yang begitu jelas menandakan bahwa pemuda tersebut sedang mendapatkan siksaan yang amat berat.
Pengajaran untuk kita ialah bahawa tidak dapat dinafikan lagi bahawa seksa kubur itu benar adanya seperti yang di peringatkan oleh ALLAH SWT dan Nabi Muhammad S.A.W. Ayah pemuda tersebut mengakui bahawa anaknya telah rosak akhlak, tidak bersembahyang dan mengamalkan pergaulan bebas dan banyak melakukan dosa.
Each died person comes across tests in the tomb for exception Shahids who died in Jihad on the way of Allah. This is first terrible test which the person comes across before the Doomsday.
In Hadis of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w):
- After the death the spirit of died person will return to a body then two Angels will come, Munkar and Nakir, and will ask: “Who is your Lord?” he will answer: “my Lord - Allah “. Then they will ask: “What is your religion?” he will answer: “My religion - Islam”. Then they will ask him: “Who that person who has been sent to you?” he will answer: “He is the Prophet of Allah “. Then they will ask him: “How do you know?” He will answer: “I read the Book of Allah and trusted Him.
And then from heavens the voice will come: ” My Slave has told the truth, lay it to bed from Paradise and open the Gate of Paradise ” - then it will be full of pleasure and he begins to feel paradise pleasure, and his tomb becomes spacious, that eyes can reach.
The Prophet of Allah Muhammad (s.a.w) said about the sinners. After the death the spirit of died person will return to the body then two Angels will come and ask, “Who is your Lord?” he will answer: “I do not know”. Then they will ask: ” Who that person who has been sent to you?” he again will answer: I “do not know” - and then from the sky the voice will come: “he told a lie, Put him into a box from fire and open before it the Gate of a hell! “-then it will be captured with heat of the hell, and his tomb becomes narrow and the edges will be compressed.
In Hadis it is also said, that Angels will severely beat the sinners during interrogation in the tomb and this torture will be awful. It is informed also, that our Messenger (s.a.w) supplicated to Allah to protect Him from tortures of a tomb and asked other people to do so.
Dan berikutnya marilah kita lihat gambar-gambar yang menandakan Kebesaran ALLAH s.w.t semuga kita dapat keinsafan

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